Friday, December 10, 2010

Shadow Prancing

There is something about jogging at night that captures me. The silence, the empty streets. I feel as if I am alone in the world, it's just me and my runners. Night jogging is a way to escape the hum of the day.
Sometimes I like feeling alone, being selfishly alone. All I have to think of is me, I generally gather my thoughts in these times. I focus on myself, God, life and try to figure it all out, although I never do. At the most I gain slight insight on the complexity that is me.
I like that night gives the illusion of solitary, but in reality you are surrounded by as many people as in the daylight. It's a false way of escaping the world. A time where you can pretend you are on another planet. Now in saying this I am also aware of the danger of night and that being a young, female maybe night jogging isn't the smartest thing to do, but against my better judgement I can't help but delve into a sneaky shadow prance now and then. But when I do I keep to the main roads that are fully lit and have friends numbers on speed dial just incase.
If you are ever feeling overwhelmed with life and feel like you cannot escape may I recommend a night jog. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and be selfish, expand on your thoughts and then clear your head. Allow yourself to grow through the freedom of the silence, of the solitary, of the night.



Thursday, December 9, 2010

In the beginning...

Welcome to my new attempt at what I call blogging. I know I am probably writing this to absolutely nobody, but in doing this I am creating and growing and evolving. I see every word as an instrument to growth, an evolution of self. I feel that we as humans should always be striving to grow. 

Without growth we die.

I'm not talking about a physical death, but it is almost as if as soon as we stop growing something within us perishes. Maybe it is the creativity within us all. Maybe it is the death of adventure as the serious takes over, the weight and stress of life kicks in. All I know is that I wish to always be alive, even on my death bed, alive.

I believe that everyone's life is interesting in some way or another. That we all have our quirks, our obsessions, our passions. That's what I love the most about blogs, blogging includes everyone and anyone can be interesting. Accounting can be interesting, quilting, gaming invigorating. Fashion can inspire, poetry can convict, there are no limits to relations. If you post it they will come.

I am a person who values life and thus want to share it with whoever wants to partake. I devote this blog to my thoughts, revelations, creations and passions. I hope you can enjoy it with me.